Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Difference Between Web Content and Article Content

What is the difference between web content and article content ? As thrifty webmaster, you cou
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 Because the content of the website focuses on sales, and part of the design of marketing a website, it is usually more expensive than the item, the price is similar to a marketing board. The difference between the contents of the sale - the form and unbiased information is part of an effective marketing campaign . Two types of writing are needed to succeed . An experienced SEO company can help you familiarize yourself with these projects.
use the same content on several occasions and will save you time and money? No, because the search engines effectively disqualify suppliers based on what they see as " duplicate content. " Yes , you can get problems plagiarizing himself penalized. Welcome to the strange and unusual 21st century !
In addition , there is an important difference between Web content and article content must be considered . The content of the website is largely promotional , but you can see the benefits of publishing objective of the web page content as well. Usually, the page content writing is the creation of a "level playing field " as well as a home page or " home page" , an article about us and contact page .
This type of writing is relatively easy to do if you have sales experience. However, the content of the article ( for the purpose of article marketing ) is supposed to be objective and neutral when it comes to business promotion . This article is of a different quality of web content; while Web content is largely promotional content item meets the basic rules of journalism or self-help and DIY guides .

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